Whakatika te aho tapu, ko tera te oranga
o te iwi Māori

Te Aho Tapu Trust is an established Māori Psychological & Social Service provider operating in South Auckland. Our aim is to utilise the specialist skills of our clinical psychologists and social workers to provide an individualised holistic programme for whanau seeking support and healing. All services delivered by Te Aho Tapu Trust to tamariki, rangatahi and whanau are grounded in a strengths-based holistic approach and focus on achieving specific outcomes.

We mahi with those who choose to mahi with us.

Our services are designed to strengthen individuals and/or whanau who:

Want to make change and improve their lives, and who:

  • have witnessed violence
  • are at risk of offending or harming others (youth)
  • have been subjected to sexual, physical and/or emotional harm
  • have been exposed to traumatic events

Specific Services

Cognitive Skills Programme - Understanding Violence Programme for Rangatahi/Youth

Up to 24 weeks, a 1-1 programme for "at risk" youth focussed on developing cognitive skills, emotional regulation and personal development.

Support for Children who Witness Violence

We provide support and therapy for children who have witnessed violence. The intervention can be 1-1 or a group programme which can be delivered in schools.

Cognitive Skills & Therapy Programme for Women recovering from violent relationships

Therapeutic assistance and support for women with children who have been or are in violent relationships within whanau.